What's the first thing you think of when you hear the term 'Great Expectations'. Does your mind wander to your unfulfilled goals and dreams? Or maybe back to your childhood when someone once told you 'You are FULL of potential'. Perhaps you settled on the novel by Charles Dickens, that you read once when you were in school and haven't thought of since. If its the latter, then you're in for a treat. Vienna's English Theater Academy is proud to present - Niel Barnett's adaptation of 'Great Expectations' performing May 7 - 9 2020 at Vienna's English Theater.
The casting has been announced and yours truly will be playing the part of Abel Magwitch. We are set to begin rehearsals in April and I have already started reading the source material. The question is...What do I expect? At this moment I don't have a particular opinion on the play, or my part for that matter. I don't know enough about either to form one. But as this will be our final performance before graduation AND a public piece with tickets sold and the whole 9, there definitely should be something great coming out of it.